In this tutorial, we will talk about the Band Pass Filter: what it is, and how to utilize it using the Program Screen within the ZonePRO Designer GUI software.
In this tutorial, we will talk about the Output Polarity: what it is, and how to utilize it using the Program Screen within the ZonePRO Designer GUI software.
In this tutorial, we will talk about Storing Scenes & Recalling Scenes: what it is, and how to utilize it using the Program Screen within the ZonePRO Designer GUI software.
In this tutorial, we will talk about the Schedule Wizard: what it is, and how to utilize it using the Program Screen within the ZonePRO Designer GUI software.
In this tutorial, we will talk about saving and opeing ZPD files within the ZonePRO Designer GUI Software. This feature will allow you to deploy configurations in a blink of an eye, as well as back up your configuration file in case you lose yours.
In this tutorial, we will discuss the how to troubleshoot connectivity or networking issues within Network Properties of the ZonePRO GUI Designer software.
This video covers removal and replacement of the internal power supply for all current BSS hardware that contain an internal power supply. Topics include the power supply removal and replacement, and cable connections.
This is the first video in the BSS Hardware Basics video series and covers the steps for removing the lid and installing cards in a BSS chassis. If you have never done either of these things, this video is “recommended” viewing. This video ...
Here is a brief overview of the LXP Native Reverb Bundle. It covers how to navigate the user interface, and how to use some of its basic features. We will talk about every algorithm type with audio examples to demonstrate what each plug-in is ...