The components that make up a PC.
Secondary Brands:
AKG Acoustics; AMX Video & Control; BSS Audio Signal Processors; Crown Amplifiers; dbx Signal Processors; DigiTech Effects; JBL Professional; Lexicon Signal Processors; Martin Lighting; Soundcraft Mixers; Studer Mixers
Eyebrow Field:
PC Essentials
Fontawesome Icon:
PC; Computer; Desktop; Laptop; Motherboard; CPU; Ram; Hardrive; USB; Network; LAN; Wireless; 32 bit; 64 bit; SSD; HDD; NIC; Ethernet; WiFi
Learning Format: Product Videos
Product Status: Current
The linking between the OS and application software on the PC.
Secondary Brands:
AKG Acoustics; AMX Video & Control; BSS Audio Signal Processors; Crown Amplifiers; dbx Signal Processors; DigiTech Effects; JBL Professional; Lexicon Signal Processors; Martin Lighting; Soundcraft Mixers; Studer Mixers
Eyebrow Field:
PC Essentials
Fontawesome Icon:
Application; Operating System; OS; 32 bit; 64 bit
Learning Format: Product Videos
Product Status: Current
The different types of file extensions that are common for a computer.
Secondary Brands:
AKG Acoustics; AMX Video & Control; BSS Audio Signal Processors; Crown Amplifiers; dbx Signal Processors; DigiTech Effects; JBL Professional; Lexicon Signal Processors; Martin Lighting; Soundcraft Mixers; Studer Mixers
Eyebrow Field:
PC Essentials
Fontawesome Icon:
Files; Extensions; GUI; UI; Icons; Shortcuts; Task Bar; Folder; Desktop; Documents; Downloads; Primary Drive; File Extension; Format
Learning Format: Product Videos
Product Status: Current
The Windows management tools and there locations. This also discuss how to locate Com ports on the computer.
Secondary Brands:
AKG Acoustics; AMX Video & Control; BSS Audio Signal Processors; Crown Amplifiers; dbx Signal Processors; DigiTech Effects; JBL Professional; Lexicon Signal Processors; Martin Lighting; Soundcraft Mixers; Studer Mixers
Eyebrow Field:
PC Essentials
Fontawesome Icon:
StartMenu; Search; Control Panel; Shutdown; Device Manager; Network Connections; Com Ports; User Account; Admin; TaskManager
Learning Format: Product Videos
Product Status: Current
How to install and uninstall programs on a PC.
Secondary Brands:
AKG Acoustics; AMX Video & Control; BSS Audio Signal Processors; Crown Amplifiers; dbx Signal Processors; DigiTech Effects; JBL Professional; Lexicon Signal Processors; Martin Lighting; Soundcraft Mixers; Studer Mixers
Eyebrow Field:
PC Essentials
Fontawesome Icon:
Program; Administrator; Install; Uninstall; Downloads; ZIP; Compressed File
Learning Format: Product Videos
Product Status: Current
The most common shortcuts when using software. They are copy, paste, undo and select all.
Secondary Brands:
AKG Acoustics; AMX Video & Control; BSS Audio Signal Processors; Crown Amplifiers; dbx Signal Processors; DigiTech Effects; JBL Professional; Lexicon Signal Processors; Martin Lighting; Soundcraft Mixers; Studer Mixers
Eyebrow Field:
PC Essentials
Fontawesome Icon:
Quick Keys; Shortcuts; Keyboard Shortcuts; clipboard; copy; paste; select all; Undo; Redo
Learning Format: Product Videos
Product Status: Current
Additional shortcuts using the mouse and control key.
Secondary Brands:
AKG Acoustics; AMX Video & Control; BSS Audio Signal Processors; Crown Amplifiers; dbx Signal Processors; DigiTech Effects; JBL Professional; Lexicon Signal Processors; Martin Lighting; Soundcraft Mixers; Studer Mixers
Eyebrow Field:
PC Essentials
Fontawesome Icon:
Home; End; Zoom; Zoom In; Zoom Out; Mouse Wheel; Cursor; Mouse; Find; Find and Replace; Shortcuts
Learning Format: Product Videos
Product Status: Current
The network adapter. It also discusses the USB drives and proper shutdown.
Secondary Brands:
AKG Acoustics; AMX Video & Control; BSS Audio Signal Processors; Crown Amplifiers; dbx Signal Processors; DigiTech Effects; JBL Professional; Lexicon Signal Processors; Martin Lighting; Soundcraft Mixers; Studer Mixers
Eyebrow Field:
PC Essentials
Fontawesome Icon:
USB; Network Aapter; Network; Network Sharing Center; Network Adapter; DHCP; Static; IP Address; Subnet; Gateway; DNS; IPv4; IPv6; Command Prompt; Ping; CMD; IPConfig; Telnet; SSH; Windows Feature; Telnet Client; USB; Shutdown
Learning Format: Product Videos
Product Status: Current